In Your Zone

Strategic Life Design +

Decluttering + Organizing

What surrounds you matters. Your mindset matters. Finding focus matters.

You want them working for, not against, you.

If you’re ready to:

  • make faster progress on your many different ideas, projects, and passions

  • ditch the overwhelm, distractions, and mental and physical clutter that slow you down

  • turn disappointment about where you’re at personally or professionally into acceptance

  • lighten your load and alleviate the pressure of not having “just” figured it out

I can help.

Let’s transform physical & mental clutter into clarity so you can thrive.


Imagine what feeling cluttered and “all over the place” is costing you in terms of:

  • Time

  • Energy

  • Money

  • Health

  • Peace of mind

  • Relationships

  • Life Satisfaction

To my fellow high-achieving, multi-passionate go-getters…feeling overwhelmed trying to “do it all” is frustrating, and all-too-common.

We know decluttering, organizing, and prioritizing are vital to making progress at home, work, and in life, but somehow we struggle to find the time, energy, and focus to do them.

You want to get things done just right, but not knowing where to start, exactly what to do, or how to overcome distractions, feels limiting.

Instead, imagine being able to: 

  • Implement simple solutions so you can get things done with more ease, control, and creative freedom

  • Approach each day knowing exactly what to do, where to get what you need, and how to keep it up

  • Be mindful of your patterns, past and present, so you can shift how you design your life

  • Let go of the confusion and guilt around not being as organized, productive, or satisfied as you “should” be

Utilizing my mindful, non-judgmental, and creative approach to life design, I’ll help you take control of your space, schedule, and mindset so you can do more of what you love doing.

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Hi, I’m Jessica!

As a multi-passionate educator, life design coach, and organizer with over 65 jobs on 4 continents, I help fellow go-getters find creative solutions to overcome clutter, overwhelm, and distractions so they can thrive.

To get - and stay - focused, productive, and clutter-free, I’ve developed the T.U.D.O.S. Technique, a practical 5-step process to

transform mental and physical clutter into clarity and purposeful action at home, work, and in life.

I SEE you. You deserve clutter-free.

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The T.U.D.O.S. Technique

Step 1: THINK - consider why this matters? What are YOUR reasons?

Step 2: UNCOVER - get it all out, sort, and truly see what’s there

Step 3: DECIDE - what do you need/love/use? Choice = challenge.

Step 4: ORGANIZE - contain, display, and store efficiently

Step 5: SUSTAIN - systems for your lifestyle and life stage

In-Person Organizing Packages


Considerable progress can be made when we work to declutter and organize side by side. 

If you have several areas/rooms that require decluttering and organizing, this package is for you.

Once we decide what your overall goals are and which area to focus on, we will use my proven T.U.D.O.S. Technique The T.U.D.O.S. Technique involves T-HINKING about your big WHY, U-NCOVERING all that you have and sort like with like, D-ECIDING on a “home” for every item, O-RGANIZING items according to their function and form, and S-USTAINING the process by creating clear systems and structures.  

During our session, you will learn the principles of organizing, how to decide what to keep, toss, donate, recycle, or take action on, and how to contain/display/store items for optimal accessibility and usage. Lastly, we will implement a sustainability plan that prevents clutter and disorganization from returning!

You will receive:

  • 6.5 hours of expert hands-on help

  • Personalized attention and customized actions that meet your goals

  • Advice, tips, and tricks to optimize your decluttering & organizing efforts

  • A non-judgmental, encouraging, and supportive transformative experience



With all of the benefits included above, this package is ideal when you have a single decluttering & organizing goal.

You will receive:

  • 3.5 hours of expert hands-on help

  • All of the benefits listed in the full-day package above


  1. Maintenance – Monthly or seasonal fine-tuning & refining of an area(s) that we’ve already worked on. 

  2. Space Redesign - Now you’re organized, let’s make the design and aesthetics of your space look great.

  3. Paper Management – I will help you integrate a paper-filling system that works. No more paper mess!

  4. Junk Removal - I can arrange for the removal of large furniture, building materials & toxic chemicals.

Online Decluttering + Organizing Package

If disorganization and clutter are causing you to feel stuck, overwhelmed, guilty, and stressed out, let’s tackle it head on, quickly, so you can get back to doing the things that matter most.

Using the T.U.D.O.S. Technique, we’ll uncover what your biggest clutter culprits and limiting beliefs are, determine how to strategically and creatively manage them, and implement systems that enable you to enjoy your home and work life more fully.

You Will Receive:

  • Personalized Zoom coaching calls (3 x 60-minute phone calls in 6 weeks)

  • Follow-up email after each call with key highlights and next steps

  • Weekly check-in via email, text, or DM

  • Ongoing email support

Your Investment: $475

Next Steps:

  1. Send an email to or connect via the pink button below

  2. Once we determine it’s a good fit, I will send information on how to book your first call and pay for your sessions

  3. Once paid, you’ll receive an email with Zoom info + questions to complete and email back before our first session

  4. With your responses in hand, we’ll meet over Zoom and start making immediate progress on your goals

Life Design Coaching Packages

You’re smart, resourceful, and accomplished, so why are you feeling stuck without “just figuring it out”?

If you’re feeling:

  • unfocused and unproductive because you aren’t “getting enough done” at home or work

  • guilty because you’re squandering precious time doing who knows what exactly

  • distracted by every meeting request, Zoom calls, household chore, parental duty, or desire to take care of you

  • frustrated by the constant ”all over the place” approach that seems to be your new normal

  • discouraged by your lack of progress on your personal and professional projects

  • defeated because you aren’t living up to your high expectations

It’s NOT your fault.

The pace of our lives has increased dramatically, the world order is fragile, and there are more demands on our time and energy than ever. No wonder we’re burnt out, spaced out, or freaked out!

Thriving in this new reality takes courage, creativity, and commitment.

Which are hard to master alone.

This is where I come in.

Using the T.U.D.O.S. Technique as a guide, we’ll uncover what your biggest obstacles and limiting beliefs are, determine the best way to strategically and creatively overcome them, and implement new ways toile life in a way that feels grounded, clear, and expansive so you can enjoy your home and work life more fully.

The In Your Zone Coaching Packages Includes:

  • Personalized Zoom coaching calls (3 x 45-minute phone calls in 6 weeks)

  • Follow-up email after each call with key highlights and next steps

  • Weekly check-in via email, text, or DM

  • Ongoing email support

Your investment: $475

Next Steps:

  1. Send an email to or connect via the pink button below

  2. Once we determine we’re a good fit, I will send information on how to book you first call and pay for your sessions

  3. Once paid, you’ll receive an email with Zoom info + questions to complete and email back before our first session

  4. With your responses in hand, we’ll meet over Zoom and start making immediate progress on your goals


Want to Learn More? Determine which package is right for you? Book decluttering and/or organizing with me?

As a recent client shared: 

“By working with Jessica, I was able to organize my office and my cluttered mind in order to focus better. Jessica’s clear questioning and coaching helped me focus on what I wanted to accomplish and helped me create a clear path for moving forward. I went from “I wish I could” to “I know I can” with a calm and confident attitude.”

~ Janey W, Toronto, ON

Not sure if this is right for you? Let’s chat!