Power Hour
Breakthrough Session

Say YES to getting the one piece of advice (or more) that changes everything.

You’ve got an idea, a project, or a vision in mind that you KNOW is important. It feels exciting, compelling, and a must do….but somehow it’s just not getting done. 

You’re feeling stuck and starting to lose your creative energy, focus, and momentum because things are not happening quickly enough, or at all. Inefficiency is wearing you down. 

The constant distractions, competing priorities, and never-ending obligations are taking their toll, and you wonder if you’ll ever have enough time, energy, or space to make progress. 

The good news is a Power Hour Breakthrough Session will help you:

  • prioritize your exact next step/s so you can make progress quickly

  • remove mental or physical obstacles that get in the way of you moving forward

  • focus on simple strategies that optimize you time, energy, and space

  • shift your mindset so you feel confident to take immediate action

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Here’s what I know: You don’t have to spin your wheels or waste any more precious time or energy trying to figure it out on your own – that’s exhausting! 

Imagine having someone to help you get you back on track quickly. Someone who understands your creative process and need for solutions that optimize time, focus and space. Someone who knows how to connect all the dots, so that amazing things can happen for you, soon. 

With the right steps and systems in place, you can accomplish anything. 

I’m Jessica and I help ambitious go-getters like YOU bring more ideas, passions and projects to life productively and mindfully. 

With years of experience helping highly driven creatives, portfolioists, entrepreneurs, experiential educators, and leaders optimize their time, energy, and space, I can help you find the practical solutions and mindset balance you need to get, and stay, on track in order to get stuff done. The world needs your brilliance so let’s get it done shall we?

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Imagine having: 

  • a clear step-by-step plan to guide you through your essential next steps

  • the clarity in knowing exactly which actions to take so you can get things done

  • laser focus when you sit down to work in order to meet your own expectations

  • the motivation to stay on track and finish what you’ve started and feel satisfied

  • confidence in your abilities to bring ideas to life in order to make meaningful impact

  • a creative productivity expert in your corner helping you make fast progress

Your Power Hour Breakthrough Session Includes These Program Components:

  1. Power Hour Breakthrough Session (60-minute Zoom session)
    In our Breakthrough Zoom session, we’ll discuss your current challenges, opportunities, and goals. This is where you get hands-on guidance, expert advice, and clear next steps that will help you make immediate changes.

  2. Personal Breakthrough Plan (PBP)
    Your Personal Breakthrough Plan includes a summary of our call and the exact next steps you’ll need to move your project/idea/plan forward with more clarity and confidence.

  3. Accountability Check-In 
    This is an opportunity to review your progress, discuss any challenges, and celebrate your wins 10-14 days after our initial session. I’ll send some questions to facilitate the process and give you what you need to sustain your momentum.

NOW IS YOUR TIME to get unstuck and get going on what matters most! 

☛ Breakthrough Session Investment = $ 150

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As a recent client shared: 

“By working with Jessica, I was quickly able to clarify what really needed decluttering in my office - the stuff that was slowing me down and making me crazy.

Jessica’s clear questioning and coaching helped me focus on what I wanted to accomplish and helped me create a clear path for moving forward. I went from “I wish I could” to “I know I can” with a calm and confident attitude.”

~ Janey W, Toronto, ON

Ready to sign up? Let’s get started.

STEP ONE: Book your Breakthrough Session

Choose an appointment time from my booking calendar & pay for your Breakthrough Session.   

STEP TWO: Complete Intake Questions

Once you’re confirmed, I’ll send an email with your intake questions to fill out. You’ll need to complete these before we meet on our Breakthrough Zoom session. 

STEP THREE: Breakthrough Session

We’ll meet on Zoom to explore what’s holding you back and what’s possible as you move forward to meet your goals. During our 60 minutes, I’ll be able to answer your questions and offer expert guidance, directed coaching, and actionable recommendations so you have the clarity and confidence to make things happen.

STEP FOUR: Personalized Breakthrough Plan 

Your personalized breakthrough plan arrives to your inbox the day after our breakthrough sessions includes the critical notes, ideas, and action steps we discussed on the call. Based on my proven 5-step TUDOS Technique, this easily accessible document will enable you to work more productively, mindfully, and intentionally.  

STEP FIVE: Accountability Check-In  

Your final accountability check-in is when we discuss your experiences implementing your PBP. Being accountable to your actions is so powerful, and this is chance for us to review what’s working, what‘s unclear, and what your best next steps are. 

Still have questions? Send me an email.

Schedule your Breakthrough Session and complete checkout to purchase 

☛ Breakthrough Session Investment = $ 150