5 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day – Portfolioist Style!

Image of diverse women in globe shape

Photo credit: geralt on Pixabay


From Passion Swaps to Power Playlists -

5 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) – Portfolioist Style

In anticipation of International Women’s Day (IWD), March 8th, let’s celebrate all week!

While social media explodes with #Empowerment posts, your inbox is filled with “20% off for women” discounts, and diverse women engage in serious discussions about our collective future, let’s take a moment to say thank you AND find other fun ways to recognize this day/week.

As a multi-passionate Portfolioist juggling multiple careers, passions, and projects, life is already a blend of juggling acts, balancing acts (hello, gymnastics life), and strategic chaos.

So, how does one celebrate IWD in a way that’s meaningful, creative, and fun?

5 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day—Portfolioist Style!”

1. Create a “Worthy Women’s Greatest Hits” Playlist 🎶

Let’s celebrate women through music!

Curating a kick-ass playlist featuring badass indie rock queens, jazz legends, punk revolutionaries, and RnB soul sisters is Fire.🔥

I made a Worthy Women Greatest Hits” Spotify playlist to celebrate that, which features an eclectic mix of genres and artists, including Etta, Madonna, Cher, Miley, Dolly, and more. I hope it gets you singing, dancing, reflecting, and vibing!

Bonus points if you:

  • Blast it like a warrior heading into battle during power walks, school drop-offs, team meetings, or in class on a Monday morning.

  • Make your playlist featuring favourites, both old and new.

  • Share this playlist with friends and encourage them to create their own.

2. Host a “Passion Swap” with Fellow Multi-Passionates  🔄

As someone who thrives on variety, why not gather your equally dynamic friends and colleagues for a Passion Swap?

The idea is that each person shares a skill, hobby, or passion they love, and everyone gets a taste of something new.

  • The yoga instructor teaches a 10-minute desk-friendly stretch routine.

  • The writer leads a journaling session on personal growth.

  • The baker teaches the art of stress-baking (because, let’s be honest, cookies help everything).

Yay to networking, skill-building, and feminist fun—all rolled into one. Huzzah!

3. Organize a “No-Explain Challenge” 🚫

As women, we sometimes tend to perhaps explain things a bit more than we might sometimes need to at times…

Notorious over-explainers that we are (“Sorry to bug you, but…” “I just wanted to check if…” “I think maybe we could…”), it’s time to redirect.

During IWD, challenge yourself to eliminate unnecessary explanations. No justifying. No apologizing. No “maybe if it’s okay with you”.

Communicate with confidence. “Here’s my availability.” Boom. “Let’s move forward with this plan.” Done. “Here’s what I need, please.” Yes!

To truly level up, extend the challenge for a week, month, or indefinitely.


4. Curate a “Portfolio of Women Who Inspire You” 📂

As Portfolioists, we already believe in blending multiple passions, paths, and pursuits.

Why not create an inspiration portfolio showcasing women who embody this philosophy?

  • The author-entrepreneur-activist (hi, Glennon Doyle).

  • The innovative-ADHD-entrepreneur (greetings, Marie Forleo)

  • The scientist-artist-explorer (Jane Goodall, nice to meet you).

  • The creative genius-mama (Alicia Keyes, brava)

  • The athlete-teacher-speaker (hmm… sounds familiar, Jessica!).

Make it visual!

Maybe it’s a mood board, collage, Pinterest page—whatever fuels your creativity. Share it on social and/or with friends to celebrate.

5. Indulge in Radical Rest & Say “NO” 🛌 

Ditch the overworked, selfless, martyr persona and get **intentional** about rest.

Rest without guilt.

Try these on for radical rest:

  • Take a nap in broad daylight (scandalous!).

  • Turn off notifications and ignore emails for xxx hours (all day?!)

  • Say “no” to unpaid labor disguised as a “great opportunity.”

Nothing says “I celebrate women” like honouring your time and energy.

Final Thoughts: Make Every Day Women’s Day 💜

International Women’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to throw confetti in honor of women’s achievements, but the real win is making this celebration a regular thing.  

Whether it’s amplifying women’s voices, mentoring a young female, simply refusing to shrink yourself, or taking time out of your busy life to create, you’ve got 364 other days to live out this energy.

So, how will YOU celebrate?

Please send me a reply, leave a comment, or share on social media.

Happy International Women’s Day (week, year, lifetime), everyone!


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